An Espalier fruit tree is a fruit tree that has been trained to grow in a certain way. Espalier fruit trees are often grown against a wall. When you look at them, you will see they consist of a trunk with the branches stretched out to the sides.

The concept of growing Espalier fruit trees is thought to have first come from France. It has long been a popular way of growing a variety of fruit trees in walled kitchen gardens. Traditionally, this is where you would find Espalier fruit trees. Today, most walled kitchen gardens have fallen into decline. But that does not mean Espalier fruit trees do not have a room in British gardens.


Espalier Fruit Trees

There are many pros to growing Espalier fruit trees according to British specialist grower Most importantly, it gives you a chance to grow a variety of fruit trees in a smaller place.

Many gardeners presume it is only apple trees that are grown in this way. Perhaps it was thanks to the humble apple Espalier fruit trees first became popular. But, when you shop around for Espalier fruit trees for sale, you will notice other types of fruits are available.


You can grow pears, plums and cherries as Espaliers. Maybe you will not find them for sale in garden centres. Instead, when you would like to buy Espaliers it is best to turn to a growing specialist such as Chris Bowers and Sons. Not only can they very conveniently deliver Espaliers directly to your home. They can also give you growing tips and advice.


Perfect For Small Gardens

Even if you only have a very small garden, you can grow fruits when you grow them the Espalier way. Many of us would like to produce more of our own crops. When you don’t have a lot of room, there is absolutely no reason why you should not consider buying at least a couple of Espaliers to add to your garden.

Fruit trees are also a fantastic way of attracting pollinators. When you can’t find room for large trees, try growing Espaliers instead.


Final Thoughts

When you see fruit trees for sale, check the quality. It is important to buy from a trusted source that offers you a choice of fruit trees. Also, never underestimate how important it is to get free advice to get your Espalier fruit trees off to a good start.

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